Saturday, October 4, 2014

Raul Cuero's interview about Creativity

We watched this the first week of class. It was amazing to hear the story of this man and all the trials he overcame. To get to where he is today, Cuero had to overcome the obstacles from his country, growing up, racism, and education. In doing so, he had to find creative ways to overcome the challenges and progress forward with what he was capable was. He warns people about the use of technology and how it can prevent us from being as creative as we can be. Looking to nature can strengthen our creativeness and push us to try new things and expand our minds. I feel like his interview was very inspirational and serves as a reminder to me that as long as I try to stay creative, I can overcome obstacles. That things can get better even if things are looking rather bleak. Everyone has the potential to succeed and go far. I hope to exercise my strengths and even my weaknesses so that I can face the future more confidently.

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