Saturday, October 4, 2014

Opera and Video Games

The similarities of opera and video games was quite surprising. They each tell a specific story and are often dramatic, and even violent and tragic. The use of sound, expression, lighting, setting, and costumes in both opera's and video games are meant to excite the audience and draw them into the story being told. The opera I used for my video game paper, for example, was The Valkyrie. I loved the suspense and mythological tale being told of the two forbidden lovers and the winged warriors that chose which men died in battles. It was interesting to think of how to turn the opera into a video game, but I feel it was quite successful.

In regards to the videos we watched, it was shocking and rather disturbing to learn about castrodoes. To learn how valued the uniqueness of the voices of men who were castrated was surprising, but also interesting to learn about what people valued most back then. The importance of acting and opera's has rather metamorphosed and lean towards plays and movies now rather than the actual opera itself. The origins of opera and comparisons to today's entertainments is fascinating to say in the least.

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